I've been working with WordPress since 2006, two years before I even launched my initial business providing virtual assistant services to local small business owners.

I've always had a special skill in figuring out technology and have spent many hours helping many clients accomplish their website site goals

I've designed and built many websites over the years and now I spend my time monitoring and ensuring my clients sites are well maintained and secure.

When I started working with clients I learned two things:

Many new business owners are overwhelmed with learning new technology and most don't want to have to even think about how to get a website online.

For most of the clients I've worked with, I've seen the relief they feel when they know that their website is set up and ready for them to add their content and share their important work with the world.

But, even learning WordPress and understanding all the different elements of how WordPress works can be enough to have them ready to throw their computers out the window.

It doesn't have to be that way.

After 17 years of working with clients...

I'm ready to launch my WordPress training focused on helping digital business owners use WordPress effectively and efficiently, so you can get things done and share your important work.


WordPress: Everything Your Need to Know

Claim Your Access Now

This course covers the fundamentals of WordPress but also helps you understand the tools and how to use WordPress efficiently so you can get things done.

The final course materials are still being worked out, here's a highlight of what I'll be covering in the course:

Learning WordPress

  • Tour of all the key elements in WordPress what they are and when you'll need to use them
  • Choosing the right theme and how it will improve your workflow by using templates and creating our own
  • Choosing the right plugins for the job, we'll be going over all of the plugins you for all the elements of working online – including email marketing, landing pages etc
  • What is the block editor and how reusable blocks will speed up your work routine

Bonus Modules

  • Deep dive into Kadence, one of two of my preferred themes
  • Deep dive into AstraPro, the second of my preferred themes
  • Behind the scenes of my own website maintenance routine
  • Essential security tools and techniques to keep your website protected
  • Image Optimization Essentials
  • CSS Fundamentals
  • And more to come

This WordPress Training will be a comprehensive program for any digital business owner who wants to work efficiently when creating new content, optin pages and landing pages on their own site. 

WordPress is a great platform for creating anything you want in your business, you can do most of the work yourself saving you time and money. 

I always recommend to my clients to leave the technical hurdles, the tech part that frustrates you, to an expert and focus on creating your content and sharing your important work with the world.

Sign Me Up!

This next part is VERY important…


You will get lifetime access to the program for as long as it is offered, no matter how much it evolves and changes. 

Some elements you may need to upgrade to access, such as a VIP support or the exclusive hosting and maintenance package (more details to come), but the course content, group calls and support in the Geek Insiders Facebook group will always be available.

Important Questions Answered


Who is this course for?

This course will be great for anyone use WordPress to build their business online.  You’ll learn how to be efficient and discover short cuts as well as tools to make the work easier.

This course will be for you even if you don't use any of the recommend themes or page builders, but your training and workflow will likely improve if you do.

How long do I get access to the program?

You will receive lifetime access to the course for as long as it is offer, including any enhances and improvements to the program as it's developed. 

This includes access to the Geek Insiders Facebook Group – a customer only community for my clients and customers.

You're lifetime access doesn't not included any premium upgrades such as the VIP Voxer support or exclusive website hosting & maintenance package offered (more details to come).

Sign up for WordPress: Training for Website Owners Here.

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